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Rob’O d’Evian Winners!

1 June 2016

To round off this year’s excellent coding and robotics projects, some digital leaders from Year 6 and representatives from Years 7 and 8 recently attended the annual Rob’O d’Evian Conference.

The event offered our students the opportunity to participate in a broad variety of demonstrations, stage performances, workshops and competitions during which they shared their coding & robotics experience with over five hundred other students and members of the coding community.

With highly impressive performances, the skill and creativity of our students’ work left their spectators astounded by the potential applications of these coding platforms and eager to learn more. Finally, in a fitting conclusion, having wowed the crowd and introduced their fellow students to new programming tools and robotics equipment, they finished the day by winning second prize in the coding competition!


A superb experience for all and a great credit to the school – our thanks and congratulations to those involved!


Rob’O d’Evian

Tynker, coding for kis


Rob’O d’Evian on “Dessine-moi un robot”

Rob’O d’Evian on Eduscol




