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Student’s report on the Red Cross Museum

12 January 2016

On the 27th November, all Year 8 classes visited “Le Musée de la Croix Rouge” – The Red-Cross Museum. We left at 9:00 in the morning in three ILL buses, and arrived outside the museum at around 9:40. We entered the  building at 10 o’clock. At reception,  we were all given a headset to listen to our visit in French.

First, we entered “La Chambre des Témoins “– The room of Witnesses. There were holograms of people from all over the world being projected onto the wall – they were all the victims of war natural disasters and various other crises. It was a unique opportunity to hear very personal experiences of hardship and courage.

Next,was “Reconstruire le Lien Familial”– The reconstruction of Families. We walked into a large room, full of documents, which were all used to help people find their families – there were hundreds of thousands of papers!

Next, we entered the room which talked about limiting the natural risks-”Limiter Les Risques Naturels.” We saw how, even though nobody can stop an earthquake, or a tornado, we can do a lot to save those in the area and those in risk, for example; anticipation, evacuation, sending in food, clean water and other supplies. We watched small movies about this, and we even played a game where we had to help the people on an island before a Tsunami struck.

Finally, we visited “Focus d’Actualité “– which was a room with several interactive screens which we could learn about crises and disasters that have taken place throughout history.

Overall, I really enjoyed this experience, and I learnt a lot! It was very interesting, and I found the animations about limiting natural risks a particularly intriguing, fun way to learn. My classmates and I had a great time, and I will definitely visit the museum again!

