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Stellar exam results for IIL!

5 November 2017

Every year, hundreds of IIL students sit official, external examinations. These exams are graded by external accrediting bodies, who award certificates and diplomas, based on the final results. The candidates who were entered for the 2017 exams clearly lived up to IIL’s excellent academic reputation.

This years’ International Baccalaureate results were our highest ever, since we launched the Diploma Programme. In addition to a 100% pass rate, our points average for 2017 was 37 points (versus the worldwide average of 30 points). Nearly one third of our graduating cohort obtained more than 40 points, whilst one student achieved the highly elusive, perfect IB score of 45 points! On a global level, this represents only 0.3% of all students in any year. A third of our candidates were awarded the prestigious bilingual diploma.

 French Baccalaureate candidates also exceeded expectations. The entire cohort passed, and over half of the group received the grades Mention Bien or Très Bien. Five students also received special honours from the jury, who commended their performance!

 The lower Secondary French Section students who sat their Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB) were just as impressive as their older counterparts. All of them passed with distinctions: with over 70% of our students receiving the grade Mention Bien or Très Bien.

 The year, IIL also presented 110 candidates for International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations. The rigorous assessments are set and graded by the Cambridge Assessment International Education exam board. Over 70% of all grades obtained by our students were either A *, A or B, while four candidates received straight A or A* in all their subjects.

 IIL extends its heartfelt congratulations to all the candidates, as well as to the pedagogical teams of educators, for their excellent work!


Dr. David Claivaz
Director of Education