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Philosophy week

10 April 2018

It’s philosophy week at IIL and Laurent Freland, philosophy teacher and Yannick Jacomme, Head of the French Secondary Section are excited to tell us about their initiative:

What is philosophy week?

Philosophy week is for French speaking students of all ages. During the week, students participate in numerous activities introducing them to philosophical thinking.

Why are you organising it?

Philosophy has a very unique place in the school program considering that it’s the only subject to be studied for just one year. For students in “Terminale”, the aim is to strengthen their understanding of this subject which is very often dreaded.  For the other students taking part in this week, it’s an opportunity to get an insight into this subject without having to wait for their final year of school.

Moreover, students get a chance to put into practice what they have learned so far with their teacher. Philosophy is everywhere and touches our life daily.

What’s going to happen this week?

All students in “Terminale” will be involved in one way or another. There will be:

  • Philosophy workshops: the students will host philosophical debates.
  • Open debates aimed to encourage group discussions.
  • Games linked to philosophy which are both educational and fun.
  • A workshop involving the robot Nao. The students will hold a philosophical conversation with Nao and discuss the relationship between man and the machine.
  • A film to approach philosophy from an artistic angle.
  • Creating a blog by the students so that a maximum number of students at IIL can follow the activities.

What do the students think?

Last year, we introduced the philosophy week and based on the students’ response to it we are delighted to be able to provide this opportunity again. At first, the students were a bit sceptical but as soon as they participated, their comprehension an enthusiasm increased dramatically. Students in “Terminale” found this experience beneficial on both a personal and academic level.