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Litech – the online magazine of IIL students

1 January 2017

During the 2015-16 school year, our 2nde French section students who had chosen an explorative teaching of”Literature and Society”, were entrusted with a project to produce a magazine, which they entitled Litech (literature and technologies), via the joomag internet site, proposed by Mr. Hirst, who contributed to its publication and whom we thank for all his help.

Each pupil endorsed the role of journalist, but also the role of editor-in-chief for one and illustrator for the other. This magazine reflects a real team effort, reporting on all topics they worked on during the sessions. It reflects their personal views, their commitment and the vision that our pupils have of the society around them, in which they are growing up.

They never ceased to question their relationship with the world, notably when discovering committed authors such as Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Daniel Pennac and the young 2014 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Malala.


In addition to this, they followed our group of “CSI IIL” 2nde year pupils who investigated the double murder of Mr & Mrs Smith, using “Methods and Scientific Practices”, of which you will learn the whole story by reading the magazine Litech! How did our experts go about finding out who killed Mr and Mrs Smith in the IIL lab ? Suspense …

At last, a magazine worthy of its name which would not be complete without its quizzes, cinema pages and recommended reads for the pleasure of everyone!

By clicking here, this magazine is for you!


c.rabany [at] iil.ch


The illustration for this article was created by Elza, a baccalauréat pupil at IIL.